Author: Tony Helinsky
Theatre Words now available as downloadable pdf
For many years there has been a demand for a way to download the Theatre Words books for local printing or reading in a computer, tablet or phone. It has been for these times where the app-versions or printed books are not available for some reason. Some of you want to have the book as a printed version, as well as an app, as well as a downloadable pdf, some only for something. Today we complete the last option. Downloadable pdf:s also have another advantage, sometimes you are in a hurry, and the downloadable pdf is available instantly. And lastly some editions that can’t be printed anymore, can still be available as download editions.
We have been hard at work with this project.
And today, right now, we are very happy to announce the immediate availability of:
Theatre Words Download Edition !
You can now order any of the six most popular books as instantly downloadable pdf-versions.
They are available for 15 EUR per book.
BUT if you order before the end of April 6th, 2021, you can get each book for the introductory price of
10 EUR !
If you are curious on how the downloadable edition looks and works, you can download a free demo pdf to try it out and see how it looks and works for you:
( it is a 6 MB file with 19 pages )
Quick facts about the download edition books are
- Printable pdfs (300 dpi)
- Licensed for unlimited personal use
- About 90 MB in size
- The pdf is NOT searchable
- The pdf will be marked with a license (your email) on every other page.
- After your payment you will be emailed a link to download your personal pdf-file. The download link will be valid for 30 days and for up to 5 re-downloads. You have to download the pdf so it will be yours to keep forever. When you click on the download link your pdf will be downloaded to your device. After you have downloaded your pdf-file, the pdf-file is yours to use forever and you can copy the pdf-file as many times and to as many devices as you wish (as long as you are the user of the device).
Read more or order at the links below.
We hope you will find the availability of the downloadable pdf versions of Theatre Words of great value to you.
We would be tremendously grateful to you if you could please spread these news to your colleagues and friends.
Here are the six available downloadable pdf editions:
1. Download Edition: World Edition: English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Russian
2. Download Edition: ’33’ German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Russian
3. Download Edition: Northern Europe 1 ’Nordic’: English, French, German, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish
4. Download Edition: Central Europe 1 ’Latin’: English, French, German, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak
5. Download Edition: Northern Europe 2 ’Baltic’: English, French, German, Italian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian
6. Download Edition: Central Europe 2 ’Cyrillic’: English, French, German, Dutch, Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian
The same versions, printed, listed by popular demand:
2. (38%) ’33’ German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Russian (“12253300”)
3. (11%) English, French, German, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish (“NE1”)
4. (6%) English, French, German, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak (“CE1”)
5. (4%) English, French, German, Italian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian (“NE2”)
6. (2%) English, French, German, Dutch, Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian (“CE2”)
The 6 most popular Theatre Words books!
Now shipping in only 0-2 weeks!
(Post has been updated in June 2020 to reflect the 6 most popular books instead of the original 8, see bottom of post for all details.)
We’ve made an analysis of which of the 60 different print-on-demand books you, and all of our dear customers, have ordered the most from us.
And we can now present the top 6 list of the most ordered Print-on-demand Theatre Words books.
With that data we have made arrangements with our printer so that we can now decrease the shipping time from about 12-16 weeks to about 0-2 weeks !
Which is great for the perfect winter holiday gift.
Here is the top 6 list of the most popular Theatre Words books ever ordered:
All are available to order here at and you can click on a book directly below to get to any of the editions:
1. (39%) English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Russian (“WE”)
2. (38%) German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Russian (“12253300”)
3. (11%) English, French, German, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish (“NE1”)
4. (6%) English, French, German, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak (“CE1”)
5. (4%) English, French, German, Italian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian (“NE2”)
6. (2%) English, French, German, Dutch, Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian (“CE2”)
Now you do not have to wait so long to get your books.
And there is still at least one book available for every language.
All of them are 256 pages with empty + millimeter grid pages between the text part and the illustrated supplement in the back of the book.
They are the perfect pocket size at 11 x 17 x 1 cm / 4.3 x 6.7 x 0.4 inch (width x height x thickness) and all have a great durable cover and are printed in the highest quality print-on-demand technology.
Thanks to the unique systematic word numbers, every Theatre Words book works great in combination with all other Theatre Words books as well as all the apps that are available for both iPhone/iPad as well as Android!
If you are looking to find all books that contain a particular language you can click on a language here:
Bulgarian | Czech | Danish | Dutch | English | Estonian | Finnish | French | German | Hungarian | Icelandic | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Latvian | Lithuanian | Norwegian | Polish | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Slovak | Spanish | Swedish
Best regards and we wish you happy winter holidays 2019
Olle Söderberg, Executive editor Theatre Words
Tony Helinsky, computer work and graphic design Theatre Words
– Update june 2020
“English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish (“TWpe12932037”)
has been replaced by the very popular
“German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Russian (“TWpe12253300”)“
that contains the same languages, adding Swedish and Dutch.
“Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Romanian (“TWpe7686645″)”
has been replaced by the very popular
“German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Russian (“TWpe12253300”)“
that contains the same languages except Romanian, which is available in the Central Europe 1-edition (“TWpeCE1”).
“English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian (“TWpe8628910″)”
has been replaced by the very popular
“German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Russian (“TWpe12253300”)“
that contains the same languages except Japanese, which is available in the World Edition (“TWpeWE”).
“Danish, English, German, Italian, French, Swedish, Russian, Spanish (“TWpe11487975″)”
has been replaced by the very popular
“German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Russian (“TWpe12253300”)“
that contains the same languages except Danish, which is available in the Northern Europe 1 ’Nordic’ edition (“TWpeNE1”).
Archive, The original top-list from December 2019, before “11487975” and “7686645” were replaced by “12253300”.
1. (39%) English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Russian (“WE”)
2. (24%) German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Russian (“12253300”)
3. (11%) English, French, German, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish (“NE1”)
4. (8%) Danish, English, German, Italian, French, Swedish, Russian, Spanish (“11487975”)
5. (6%) English, French, German, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak (“CE1”)
6. (6%) Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Romanian (“7686645”)
7. (4%) English, French, German, Italian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian (“NE2”)
8. (2%) English, French, German, Dutch, Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian (“CE2”)
Upgrade Theatre Words iOS to the Gold Edition !
The future of Theatre Words, let us know what you think is best!
Download this letter as a PDF >>
The future of Theatre Words – “the very short version” / “the TL;DR version”
Karlskoga and Lund in May 2017
Dear TheatreWords friend,
We’ve done more than we ever hoped for with Theatre Words.
We’ve been doing it for almost 30 years! It’s time for us, Olle and Tony, to pass on this project to someone else.
We won’t do this in a hurry and we’ll keep delivering books as they are ordered.
So rest assured you are still able to order custom print-on-demand books in any of 28 different versions.
And there are other big things happening here
1. The Theatre Words app for iOS has gotten a big update (rolling out very soon!)
2. Some of you have asked to be able to download printable Theatre Words books. It will finally happen! Very soon you will be able to order any of 28 editions as a PDF!
But, we are looking in the further future.
And we’d love your feedback on what you think would be the best (see below for a couple of general aspects and questions).
Please share this and please send your thoughts about this in the google form or to
All the best
Olle and Tony –
The future of Theatre Words – the longer version 🙂
Karlskoga and Lund in May 2017
Dear TheatreWords friend,
Thanks for your ongoing support of the Theatre Words project.
It is time for Theatre Words to move on.
We have a couple of suggestions on how it could be done and we would very much appreciate your feedback on which way would be best for you.
In the year of 1990, Theatre technician and actor Olle Söderberg from the Swedish OISTAT centre Sttf got together with computer geek and graphic designer Tony Helinsky from Helitera.
From that day there were a couple of ideas we found among the community that we dreamed of pursuing.
The first idea was of course to revise the 1975 and 1980 Theatre Words project with edited words, more words, more languages and doing it all with modern desktop computer technology
This was accomplished due to some major contributions from editors all over the world that sent the edited words in digital form, but using discs sent by physical mail.
It sounds crazy today, but it was super hi tech then and it worked out so that in 1995 a first completely revised version was printed and in 1998 two more language editions were printed.
Early on there were dreams of having customised print-on-demand books with different combinations of books as well as something digital in your pocket.
The result is that we have fulfilled the ideas as well as the dreams and in fact produced more than we ever did dream of:
There are now 24 languages that are completely cross translated for ALL 1258 words and a supplement of illustrations.
They have been produced and distributed in
– digital versions for iOS as well as Android devices and
– a read and edit version for the web as well as
– a total of sixty (60) different editions with all sorts of combinations of languages as print-on-demand ready pdf files (currently it is possible to order 28 of these).
Currently there is ongoing demand for the books that are regularly being printed and produced from Sweden as orders come in on
It is a great service that is very much appreciated all around the world.
But as we have been doing this for almost 30 years, it is time to move on for us and to make sure that it is passed over in a way that can serve the community in the best possible way.
A couple of suggestions for the future of Theatre Words
As we see it there are basically the following alternatives.
Alternative 1
would be to transfer the digital pdf-files of all 60 books and the rights to print them in any quantities to those national OISTAT centers that are interested in printing them.
Alternative 2
would be to transfer the digital pdf-files of all 60 books and the rights to print them in any quantities to OISTAT. PLUS, as it would be a transfer to only one organisation the entire rights to the name ”Theatre Words” as well as to the compilation of words as well to the actual words and translations could also be transferred to OISTAT together with the domain and website If this would be possible this might be valuable for future work.
Alternative 3
would be the same as alternative 2 but instead of a transfer to the international OISTAT, it would be a full transfer to ONE national OISTAT organisation, other that the Swedish.
Alternative 4
would be a combination of alternative 1 and 2.
What do you think?
Now, we would like to know what would you as a Theatre Words friend and contributor find most valuable for you?
And of course, if you are on board of an organisation that would be interested in one option please let us know.
Lastly, we will of course not abandon this ship right now.
We’ve been here for almost 30 years so will of course stick around for a couple of more years. Since there still is ongoing demand the books can be ordered and they will be printed in the same super high quality, in batches about every 3 months. Just as they have always been.
We are only thinking a bit ahead.
We want to express our thanks for having been able to fulfil the dreams of this project and to you for having contributed to this project !
We value your feedback very much.
Our most sincere thanks to you.
Please share this and please send your thoughts about this in the google form
or to
Olle Söderberg, Swedish OISTAT centre Sttf
Tony Helinsky, computer geek and graphic designer at Helitera
Welcome to Theatre Words
Welcome to Theatre Words.
Print-on-Demand Theatre Words books with 24 languages in total in all possible combinations (28 total)
To order please shop in our e-commerce store or send us an email with which book you want to
All books are printed on demand about 4 times per year. All books are priced 29 EUR each plus shipping and handling which is 6 EUR no matter where it is shipped and up to 10 books, for larger quantities please inquire to
These books are available to order:
– Danish, English, German, Italian, French, Swedish, Russian, Spanish
– Danish, English, Swedish, Norwegian, German, French, Italian, Polish
– Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Romanian
– English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish
– English, French, German, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Central Europe (Central Europe 1 ’Latin’)
– English, French, German, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, Northern Europe (Northern Europe 1 ’Nordic’)
– English, French, German, Dutch, Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian, Central Europe (Central Europe 2 ’Cyrillic’)
– English, French, German, Italian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Northern Europe (Northern Europe 2 ’Baltic’)
– English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish
– English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Russian, World Edition (World Edition)
– English, Hungarian, German, Italian
– English, Italian, Czech, German, French, Japanese, Spanish, Russian
– English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian
– French, English, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese
– French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Russian, Swedish
– French, English, Spanish, Swedish, German, Russian, Dutch, Icelandic
– French, Italian, English, Spanish
– German, English, Dutch, Polish, Czech, Italian, Spanish, French
– German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian
– German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish
– German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Russian
– German, English, Serbian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Russian
– German, Italian, English, French, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish
– Italian, French, English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Swedish
– Italian, Spanish, English, German, Russian, French, Czech, Polish
– Spanish, English, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Russian, Dutch
– Swedish, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Norwegian
– Swedish, English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Russian, Finnish